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Tickets / Ulazne Karte

Join us in the venue/ budite sa nama na Botelu 
or watch the festival vIrtual / ili gledajte festival virtualno:

Doors open at 18:45 o‘clock / Show starts at 19:45 
Vrata se otvaraju u 18:45 sati/ predstava pocinje u 19:45 sati.

26.05. Stars back on board
27.05. The Cruise of stories
28.05. The Celebration of the art

Live shows tickets are no longer available. 
All seats are occupied. 

Online Tickets are still available.

3 days ticket / Ticket za sva 3 dana

Minimum donadion per day 75,00 KN / 10,- EUR

Minimum donadion  200,-00 KN / 27,- EUR

There is still an option to watch the festival per a live stream on zoom. If you wish a slot there.
Please send us your full name, and the days you want to watch.

All tickets are a min donation for 1 night: 75,- KN or 10 EUR or 3 days ticked for a min. donation of 200,- KN or 27 EUR.

Tickets are not refundable

Narudzba preko email:

For English scroll down.
Draga publiko, i ove godine pripremili smo poslasticu za vas.
Unatoč situaciji u svijetu uspijeli smo omogućiti vam tri performansa, što uživo s Botela Marina, a što virtual live performansom. Budući da je svaka godina popračena određenom temom, i ove godine imamo 3 divne teme. S njima želimo prikazati sve mogućnosti svijeta burlesque i performansa koji probija granice svojom imaginacijom, hrabrošću, prihvaćanjem, propitivanjem, zajedništvom i radošću postojanja.
Želimo da dođete otvorenog uma i srca, s osmijehom na licima te da podržite svijet burlesque koji na marginama društva emotivno pokazuje kako se nosi sa životom.
Tri dana festivala odvijaju se od 26.-28. svibnja 2028 godine na Botelu Marina u Rijeci s početkom u 19 i 45 dok se vrata za publiku otvaraju u 18:45 sati. Ulaz je limitiran na 20 ulaznica te vam stoga preporučujemo da što prije kupite svoje ulaznice na bili na Botelu Marina ili gledali online.

Na brodu je za vrijeme predstave obavezno nošenje maski te je potrebno držati razmak od 1,5 metra. Gledalište će biti namješteno prema propisima mjera sigurnosti. Budući da je brod otvoren sa svih strana, vjerujemo da će biti puno lakše pod maskama nego u zatvorenom prostoru.
Požurite, požurite za veseljem i pozitivnom energijom..


S uzbuđenjem,
Croatian Burlesque and Cabaret Festival Team.


Ulaznice za online show jedan dan je minimalna donacija od 75,00 Kuna, 3 dana 200,00 Kuna

Hvala za vašu podršku



Dear audience, this year we have another special treat for you.
Despite the world situation we managed to enable three nights of performance, live from Botel Marina or by virtual live performance. Since every year has another theme, this year we have again 3 themes for you. By it, we want to show all the possibilities of the burlesque world and performance that is breaking through all the boundaries with its imagination and bravery, with acceptance and questioning, with its community and joy of existence.
We want you to come open-minded and open-hearted, with smiles on your faces to support the burlesque world which, on the margins of society emotionally shows how it deals with life.
Three days of the festival start on 26th and end on 28th of May 2021 on Botel Marina in Rijeka (Croatia) at 19:45; doors for the audience are opening at 18:45. The entrance is limited by 20 tickets so we recommend that you buy your ticket as soon as possible on whether you're watching live or online.
We have a limit of 20 guests who can join us live at the venue.
During the show, it is necessary to wear a mask and to hold a 1,5 m distance. The auditorium will be arranged by regulations of security measures. Since the ship is open space we believe that it will be easier to wear a mask in there than in a closed space.


Hurry, hurry for joy and positive energy..

With excitement,
Croatian Burlesque and Cabaret Festival Team.

Tickets for the online stream are: 1 night is a minimum donation of  10,- EUR, for 3 nights 27,- EUR

Thank you for your support

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